Thursday, July 30, 2009

Which of These Popular Weight Loss Failure Reasons Belongs To You?

We all fail from time to time at things that have meaning to us such as failing at marriage, failing to earn a college degree, or failing to lose weight. We usually sit around and commiserate about why we failed blaming a host of other people, or circumstances for our failure. We even sometimes blame ourselves for our failure. Which of the following weight loss failure reasons can you claim as your own?

Did you know that an overwhelming amount of people trying to lose weight fail to do so, or succeed only to gain it all back within 5 years of deciding to lose the weight? Why do you suppose so many people fail at something that seems to be a common topic of TV, radio, magazines, books, movies, and conversations?

One reason that people commonly fail when trying to lose weight is that they fail to understand what it takes to lose weight. There is a physical dynamic that goes on inside our bodies that determine what we weigh and if we lose weight or gain weight.

Being successful at losing weight can also be traced to our motivation to lose weight in the first place. Those individuals who desire to lose weight for personal reasons that have nothing to do with being pushed to do so by a doctor or significant other are more likely to succeed.

Individuals are also more likely to succeed if they have a personal experience with the connection with being overweight and the increased risk for certain diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and osteoarthritis.

One contributing factor to death is being overweight. Those who are obese run a risk of straining the heart and arteries that supply blood to vital organs and our brain. This deficiency in blood leads to heart attacks and strokes.

Another popular reason for failing to lose weight is the lack of commitment to make lifestyle changes that will benefit your weight loss goal. It is difficult to change a long-term eating habit that has been contributing to your weight problem such as binge eating, overeating, or eating for reasons other than hunger. Sometimes the active social life of a person who is politically active or someone who is a Hollywood celebrity is expected to attend multiple parties and public events in which food is the main attraction. The presence of so much rich, great tasting food is a lifestyle habit that is difficult to overcome when one is trying to lose weight.

Sometimes we fail because of weight loss myths or because of diet programs or fad diets that are thrust into the limelight and promoted by celebrities as diets or programs that are good ways to lose weight when in fact they are unhealthy for us. Knowing the true facts concerning how our bodies naturally lose weight is what will allow us to succeed. Being given untrue facts about weight loss is a common reason why people fail to achieve their weight loss goal.

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