Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pick a sustainable diet program, rather than a quick fix!

For those who wish to lose weight the information available is often conflicting and confusing.

In spite of this, most people still go the diet route, searching for an illusive quick weightloss fix. However the fundamentals of nutrition are often overlooked in the desire to rapidly lose weight.
There are more than 25,000 diet plans available, and billions of dollars are being spent each year on diet programs and products.

If you really, really, really want to lose weight, you must recognize the difference between the temporary weight loss that can accompany some diets, and the permanent weight control that can come from a long-term commitment to changing lifestyle habits. These are the factors that that have contributed to the weight problem in the first place.

Of course some diets encourage a permanent change to eating and lifestyle habits, using the diet as a model for future eating habits. Some do not, so when considering a weight loss diet program, you should ensure that the diet is sustainable over the long term, rather than just a quick fix now.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Are You Receiving a Failing Grade When it Comes to Weight Loss?

It seems like everyone is talking about how easy it is to fail at losing weight. There are more failure weight loss stories than successful ones. Why is it that so many people who try to lose weight, fail?

Off the top of your head, you can probably name a few random guesses as to why people fail when trying to lose weight such as they are lazy, they love food too much, they are terrible about sticking to a exercise program, or they are addicted to overeating and can't break the habit. Those would all be common guesses but the truth of why people fail at weight loss goals is better explained by examining the factors that contribute to failure to lose weight.

Factors that contribute to the failure to lose weight include not fully understanding the health risks they face if they fail to lose weight, not being able to commit to the permanent lifestyle changes that are necessary in order to succeed at weight loss, not knowing the true facts about how to go about losing weight, failing to realize just how much food/calories they are actually consuming everyday, and lastly, giving up too easily when they run into a snag in the weight loss road.

Not understanding the health risks involved in being overweight:

If a person is ignorant of the health risks they are taking by being overweight, they are not as likely to be in any hurry to accomplish the weight loss goal. If a person is overweight for a long period of time they are at risk for being part of the thousands of people who die each year of over-weight related diseases. There have been multiple studies proving that there is a connection and danger between being overweight and diseases that can be fatal if left uncontrolled. Losing excess body fat can reduce this terrible risk.

Not being able to commit to healthy lifestyle changes:

It is a common fallacy that losing weight is a "temporary" situation. They believe that once the weight loss goal is achieved they can go back to old habits that they were comfortable with before the desire/need to lose weight occurred. They follow methods that are restrictive and difficult to follow but may yield fast weight loss results and then once they see a weight loss what so often happens is that they immediately congratulate themselves and then reward themselves by going back to old eating and exercising/lack of exercising habits that will cause them to gain back the weight. The best way to lose weight for the long haul is to lose it gradually and by doing healthy habits such as eating the foods that our bodies need and exercising everyday. Crash, restrictive diets do not work, healthy eating and making other healthy lifestyle changes will bring about the desired weight loss that will continue to be a part of the "new and lighter you".

Not knowing the true facts about weight loss:

There unfortunately is a lot of conflicting information being circulated throughout different medias promoting unhealthy weight loss. People believe what they see on TV, or read in Hollywood magazines without checking out the safety or health risks involved in these weight loss programs and diets.

Failure to realize just how much food/calories you are actually consuming everyday:

This is a major factor that contributes to weight gain. Most of us eat when we are hungry or even when we are not hungry and pay little attention to how much of a food item we are eating. Portion sizes are out of control at fast food and sit-down restaurants and we copy that when we eat at home. We become used to overeating and after a while normal portions will not will us up or make us feel satisfied.

Giving up to easily:

It seems like nothing in life is easy, except maybe gaining weight as we age. Our modern world shoves the message into our minds that getting things the easy is to be expected. As a result most of us tend to give up at the first snag in the road on our way to weight loss. If we make a mistake and eat too much at breakfast or lunch we may tend to say, "What's the point, I've already blown it today", and overeat again at dinner. Everyone messes up from time to time; doing so, does not give you the right to toss the goal out the window! Gaining or losing weight is every bit a state of mind and attitude. You have to be positive that nothing is going to stop you from achieving your goal, not even the bumps in the road that you encounter.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Finding Resources for Weight Loss

We have so many choices today for gathering information about weight loss that getting that first step on your journey to weight loss success should be an easy one. That first step of course is gathering weight loss information so that you can make informed decisions concerning your weight loss journey. You can find information about losing weight by asking your doctor, by searching the Internet, by reading weight loss books, magazines and newspaper articles or by talking to a fitness trainer or nutritionist/registered dietician.

The Internet has really been a useful information highway for all aspects of our lives from being able to bank online, to taking college classes online and now you can find information about just about any topic online. Here are a few Internet Website to get you started on your search for weight loss information:

If you visit Webmd.com you can locate many weight loss tools including all the latest news about weight loss diets.

The Website freedieting.com has many diet plans and weight loss programs that you can browse. You can also find weight loss calculators, free weight loss meal plans, diet reviews, and also some free trials and samples. Just as the title of the Website claims, everything on the site is free.

The Mayo clinic always has excellent health information and you can find plenty of reliable information about how to lose weight in a healthy manner on their Website.

Medline Plus is another health-oriented Website that provides you with various health topics including weight loss. You can find out information not only about how to eat healthy when trying to lose weight but news about alternative therapy, how to cope with the trials of losing weight and information about why our bodies gain weight.

There are many magazines that focus on health issues including weight loss including Figure, Prevention, Women's Health, Eating Well, Best Life, Men's Health, Fitness, and Women's Health just to name a few. As a word of caution, look for who is writing the articles that you read to be sure that they are an authority on healthy weight loss. Much of what is in the media are ads including articles that are promoting someone's product. If they will be gaining financially by you accepting what they are saying make sure that what they are saying is true by checking with at least 2 to 3 other medical sources for accuracy of their statements.

Many, many books have been written on the weight loss topic including 100 Days of Weight Loss: The Secret to Being Successful on Any Diet Plan by Linda Spangle and The Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You to Know About by Kevin Trudeau, as well as Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery: Over 140 Delicious Low-Fat High-Protein Recipes to Enjoy in the Weeks, Months and Years After Surgery by Patt Levine, Michele Bontmpo-Saray, William B. Inabnet, and Meredity Urban-Skuros. As with the magazine sources, make sure that someone who is an authority in healthy weight loss writes the book.

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Exercise and Your Weight Loss Goal

Have you forgot to include exercise in your weight loss endeavor? Sometimes people who desire to lose weight can focus too much on the food aspects of weight loss and not enough on the other components of losing weight. Exercise is a big part of your ability to succeed in your weight loss effort.

Reducing body fat requires that you focus on not only the number of calories that you take into your body but also increasing the amount of physical activity (exercise) your body is experiencing everyday. Yes, you need to be active everyday, not just 2 or 3 days out of the week (unless there is a medical advice given to do so). Studies have shown the positive relationship between exercise and weight loss.

Individuals who need to lose weight but hate to change their diets can in fact look at making an change in their physical activity level first before committing to a diet program because studies have shown that unless you are obese, just increasing your activity level and maintaining your current caloric intake can achieve your weight loss goal. You can increase your physical activity just by making several changes in how you go about your day such as taking the stairs instead of using the elevator, parking further away from entrances when using parking lots, walking the dog yourself instead of making the kids do it all the time, and moving around more instead of sitting or standing while waiting for doctor or business appointments.

Know that you are not alone; millions of people every year are trying to accomplish weight loss goals. You can take some encouragement and motivation from others who are exercising as part of their weight loss goals and winning their battles against the bulge.

Studies have shown that diet programs alone do not work as most individuals on them regain the weight within five years from starting the program. Starting a healthy lifestyle of good nutrition and adequate amounts of daily exercise is a lifestyle that you can continue for the rest of your life.

You do not need expensive equipment or trainers in order to receive the weight loss benefits of exercise. Walking is one of the best exercises you can do to lose weight. Walking strengthens your bones, helps to control weight, tones your leg muscles, and helps you to maintain good posture. Walking can also help you to maintain a positive outlook on life as you observe nature all around you if you walk outside.

Studies have also shown that those who diet without exercising can put on pounds instead of taking them off. There may be an initial weight loss due to water loss but without exercise if you decrease your food intake you will lose muscle. As your body loses muscle your metabolism will decrease which means that more food calories will turn to fat.

In order to achieve your weight loss goal when using walking as your exercise, it is more important to walk for longer time periods than it is to speed walk. You will also feel less sore if you walk at a moderate pace than if you speed walk.

A healthy body needs both good nutrition and proper amounts of daily exercise. These two factors work hand in hand because without the proper food in your system that turns into energy, you won't have the ability to exercise properly. Without the exercise the food you eat will turn into fat more than if you exercised.

Could Vitamin D be the Answer to successful weight loss?

Another potential piece to the weight loss puzzle was unveiled recently when researchers discovered there may be a link between vitamin D levels and shedding pounds.
A study measured vitamin D levels in 38 obese men and women before and after they went on an 11-week diet in which 750 calories were deducted each day from their total caloric consumption. The participants also had their body composition and fat distribution evaluated using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and computed tomography.

In testing vitamin D levels before and after the diet, researchers discovered a relationship between levels of a precursor form of vitamin D (frequently used as an indicator of vitamin D levels) and weight loss; for every incremental increase of the substance, subjects lost almost a half-pound more while on their diets. Those who had increases in an active form of vitamin D also lost about a quarter-pound more.

Having higher levels of both forms of vitamin D at the start of the diet also forecast more weight lost in the abdomen. Excess abdominal fat has been linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes.

Lead author Dr. Shalamar Sibley, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Minnesota, cautioned, however, that a more controlled clinical trial is needed to see if vitamin D supplements will have any benefit in helping people lose weight via diets. The study was presented recently at the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society in Washington, D.C. *
Jeannine Stein LA Times
As a reporter, I have found myself ingesting an airport food/banquet dinners/fast food combo diet for stretches of four and five days. My body just wants yogurt for a day or two after one of those trips and I understand why. It’s a complete protein source, full of calcium, easily digested and the live, active bacterial cultures make my indoor plumbing very happy.

One study revealed that dieting adults who ate three servings of fat-free yogurt a day lost 22% more weight and 61% more body fat than those who simply cut calories. The yogurt eaters lost 81% more belly fat than non-yogurt eaters, too.

The evidence points to yogurt’s calcium and protein (in low-fat dairy) helping to burn fat and promote weight loss. I adore the thicker, creamier Greek yogurt and buy it whenever it’s on sale or I have a good coupon. Get it plain, add in a dollop of honey and you can call it dessert!
Cost of an 8 oz. serving of yogurt: between 50 cents and $1.50. Jackie Runice, Examiner

Do You Need Health Reasons for Losing Weight by Losing Body Fat?

There are many reasons why people start weight loss programs including to look good, have better fitting clothing or a smaller size, to please spouses or other significant people in their lives or because their doctor has ordered them to lose weight or else!

Losing weight when you are overweight will have many health benefits. Managing your weight can reduce your excess body fat and doing this will help you to maintain good health and also to fight diseases. When you are obese it can cause you to have major threats to your health and also could decrease your longevity. If you are not sure what constitutes obesity, it is when you are have more than 25% of your body consisting of body fat if you are male and 32% of body fat for women. The current figure is that approximately 20% of Americans are obese. The diseases that you may be at increased risk for if you are considered to be obese are heart disease and certain cancers.

If you are obese your body has to work harder just to perform breathing function and to pump blood. When your body has to work harder your heart increases in size to compensate which increases your blood pressure and can initiate life-threatening erratic heartbeats. Those who are obese can also have high levels of blood cholesterol, which leads to stroke and heart attacks. Your kidneys can also become deprived of blood posing further health risks. Studies show that approximately 25% of all blood vessel problems and heart problems are associated with the presence of obesity. There is also an increased risk of cancer when you carry around excess body fat on your body. Women who have a higher amount of body fat than is normal for their height and frame have a higher risk for breast or uterine cancer. Men who are obese run a higher risk for colon or prostate cancer.

Diabetes is also connected with obesity because there is a fine balancing act between blood sugar levels, body fat, and the amount of insulin produced by the body. When there are excessive amounts of blood sugar this is stored in the liver and other vital body organs. This excess sugar is then turned into fat when the level of blood sugar reaches maximum levels in the liver and other vital organs. If your body's fat cells become "full", they cannot take in as much of the blood sugar, overwhelming the system. Diabetes is a serious disease with long-term consequences for future health. Consequences such as amputation, blindness, death, heart disease and kidney failure. If you have excess body fat you can experience gall bladder disease, gastro-intestinal disease, osteoarthritis, sexual dysfunction and stroke.

If you reduce your body fat, you will reduce your risk of all of these serious diseases. Some researchers believe that reducing your amount of body fat is more beneficial to reducing your risk of these diseases than medications.

Do You Know The Role Water Plays in Weight Loss?

We use water for many things including washing our clothes, dishes and our bodies, watering plants and animals, generating energy used to light our homes and power machines. Perhaps the most important use for water is to keep our bodies hydrated. A hydrated body is better able to lose weight.

If our bodies enter the state of dehydration our own waste products and other toxins that result from the process of metabolism can poison us. Water is vital to humans as they digest food and metabolize food. Water acts as a medium for enzymatic and chemical reactions that take place in our bodies. Water is an essential part of our blood and is instrumental in the process of carrying nutrients and oxygen through the bloodstream to the cells of our body. Water also helps our bodies to regulate temperature and also to lubricate our joints. Did you know that we also need water in our body in order to breathe?

Individuals who do not drink enough water every day either because they do not know the importance of water or they don't like to drink water may encounter health problems such as increased body fat, decreased digestive ability, decreased organ function, an increase in the toxicity level contained within the body and also poor muscle tone and also decreased size of muscles. All of these results of not drinking enough water can lead to health diseases stemming from the above listed problems.

Individuals who wish to lose weight should know that they would achieve their weight loss goals easier and faster if they keep the above information about water in mind. Having adequate water intake is a vital key to achieving or maintaining proper weight.

Did you know that drinking the proper amount of water each day can prevent joint and muscle soreness? This is why it is important for athletes to drink water before, during and after exercising.

A good rule of thumb regarding how much water is a proper amount to drink each day is for a normal person to adhere to drinking a total of ten 8 oz. glasses of water a day. If you are increasing your physical activity or you are living in a very warm climate you should drink more water than the normal person. It is also important to not drink that amount of water all at once; it should be spread out throughout your day.

One common complaint or reason that individuals give for not drinking adequate amounts of water is that they are afraid that if they increase their water intake to what they should normally be drinking that they will have to go to the bathroom more frequently. While it may be true that you will in the beginning have to go to the bathroom more often do to the increased sensitivity of your bladder to your new amount of water intake; you body will adjust over the period of a few weeks to the point that you won't have to go any more frequently than what is normal because your bladder will calm down.

When it is said that you need to drink water everyday, it is water and not other beverages that this applies to. Beverages that contain water may also contain other substances that can have an adverse affect on the benefits that water normally provide. Adverse affects can be caused by caffeine and sugar. Going back to one of the main reasons that a lot of people don't drink enough water each day and that being the fact that they don't like the taste (or lack of taste) of water; this discourages them from drinking water and may encourage them to drink the drinks that contain caffeine or sugar so instead of helping their body, they are taking in substances that can harm their body. The more you drink alternative beverages the more you dislike the plain taste of water which causes you to drink even less water causing a vicious and increasing cycle of not drinking enough water.