Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Exercise and Your Weight Loss Goal

Have you forgot to include exercise in your weight loss endeavor? Sometimes people who desire to lose weight can focus too much on the food aspects of weight loss and not enough on the other components of losing weight. Exercise is a big part of your ability to succeed in your weight loss effort.

Reducing body fat requires that you focus on not only the number of calories that you take into your body but also increasing the amount of physical activity (exercise) your body is experiencing everyday. Yes, you need to be active everyday, not just 2 or 3 days out of the week (unless there is a medical advice given to do so). Studies have shown the positive relationship between exercise and weight loss.

Individuals who need to lose weight but hate to change their diets can in fact look at making an change in their physical activity level first before committing to a diet program because studies have shown that unless you are obese, just increasing your activity level and maintaining your current caloric intake can achieve your weight loss goal. You can increase your physical activity just by making several changes in how you go about your day such as taking the stairs instead of using the elevator, parking further away from entrances when using parking lots, walking the dog yourself instead of making the kids do it all the time, and moving around more instead of sitting or standing while waiting for doctor or business appointments.

Know that you are not alone; millions of people every year are trying to accomplish weight loss goals. You can take some encouragement and motivation from others who are exercising as part of their weight loss goals and winning their battles against the bulge.

Studies have shown that diet programs alone do not work as most individuals on them regain the weight within five years from starting the program. Starting a healthy lifestyle of good nutrition and adequate amounts of daily exercise is a lifestyle that you can continue for the rest of your life.

You do not need expensive equipment or trainers in order to receive the weight loss benefits of exercise. Walking is one of the best exercises you can do to lose weight. Walking strengthens your bones, helps to control weight, tones your leg muscles, and helps you to maintain good posture. Walking can also help you to maintain a positive outlook on life as you observe nature all around you if you walk outside.

Studies have also shown that those who diet without exercising can put on pounds instead of taking them off. There may be an initial weight loss due to water loss but without exercise if you decrease your food intake you will lose muscle. As your body loses muscle your metabolism will decrease which means that more food calories will turn to fat.

In order to achieve your weight loss goal when using walking as your exercise, it is more important to walk for longer time periods than it is to speed walk. You will also feel less sore if you walk at a moderate pace than if you speed walk.

A healthy body needs both good nutrition and proper amounts of daily exercise. These two factors work hand in hand because without the proper food in your system that turns into energy, you won't have the ability to exercise properly. Without the exercise the food you eat will turn into fat more than if you exercised.

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